As I was catching up on some old posts that have been sitting in my rss reader for ever this article caught my eye because it shows how one mans disruptive idea really can make an impact, and that the time to disrupt education is now!
To say that Khan Academy has important lessons to offer is to state the obvious. The Mountain View-based internet teaching institution—which has grown from founder Salman Khan’s individualized YouTube math lessons for his 7th grade niece to a worldwide phenomenon—offers thousands of free, plain-spoken online courses, from algebra to biology
And it only gets better as we read on
In other words, Khan Academy has done something different—and more far-reaching—than starting another social service program which signs up clients. It’s providing the tools for self-improvement; by doing so, it’s spreading the word that one can, in fact, do just that. Put another way, Khan is trying to change the conventional view about how education works.